Here are a few images I made on Fuji instant peel apart film (aka Fujiroids). The material is very similar to Polaroids and is a lot of fun to use. The top image is of Richard, a tailor who works in a shop on Little Clarendon Street. If there was ever someone who is always sharply dressed then this is that guy. I made this image with my Graflex Super D camera a few days after it had arrived so I was keen to see what it was capable of. Previously I had always used the front of the shop to do test shots but I like how the lights in the background have turned out here.
The other images are of a friend and work colleague of mine who was visiting from New York. These were made with my Mamiya RB67 and custom made sliding Polaroid back. This time I used some expired (2004) Polaroid in my studio where I was experimenting with direct hard light from a tungsten light.

Richard the tailor, Little Clarendon Street.

Michael diptych 1

Michael diptych 2