These images are from earlier in the summer. I’m slowly working my way through a huge backlog of film. The weather is really grim at the moment which is preventing me from creating any new images so if this is the start of things to come I might actually get a chance to catch up with my scanning. All of these images are from the same roll of Kodak Ektar 100 which I was testing out for possibly the first time.
[Tech info:] Mamiya C330f loaded with Kodak Ektar 100. Processed and scanned by me.

Impressive hair do. I chatted with this girl about photography. She shoots film. I encouraged her to try processing her own. I think she was visiting from North America. A very pleasant girl.

I seem to remember that this guy was rather tall. I like his sunglasses. Outside the Sheldonian Theatre.

Italian tourists. There was a 4th person belonging to this group but she didn't want to be in the shot. I wonder what she'll think when she sees this.

Brown and black. Just as I was on my way back to my office I noticed this girl locking her bike so I waited until she had finished before asking her to stop for a shot. I like how her shoes match her retro shoulder bag.

They don't make 'em like they used to.
Killer work, as usual, love the girls shoes too!
Thanks, Richard 🙂
I kinda wish her bag was on the other shoulder to get a better view of it because it was cool looking but I don’t like to get people to ‘pose’ so I didn’t say anything.
If you had asked, I would have gladly obliged. Hopefully there’ll be a next time! Love your photography- I’m a dedicated follower.
Hey Camille, thanks for your comment and for continuing to visit my blog 🙂
Where did I see you? Was it Radcliffe Square?
I’m the girl with the bag/shoes. I think it was Broad Street?
Aha! You’re right, it was Broad street, outside Balliol. I’m usually around that area every lunch time with a film camera so hopefully our paths will cross again. Stop me if you see me around 🙂
Completely hooked to your pictures. Brilliant portraits. You should gather a selection and make a book.
Thanks very much, Jordi. It’s always nice to receive comments because I never know who is browsing this blog — I can see from the hits that quite a few people visit every day but I always like to hear from viewers 🙂
Maybe some day I will think about a book but I love making new images so much that I never have time for anything else 😛