Painting with light

Written by Nasir Hamid on November 24th, 2011

Here’s something a little different from my usual street portraits. I bought this large format 5×4 camera brand new in 1990 and it’s still going strong. Whenever I used to take it out around Oxford it would always draw a crowd of people that thought it was a hundred years old. This image was made in total darkness and ‘painted light’ with a Mini Maglite torch that I focussed down to a small spot of light. It was total guess work as to what the exposure needed to be but it turned out great.

[Tech info:] Speed Graphic 5×4 camera, 127mm lens at f8 on Fuji FP100-C pack film.

Wista field 5x4 camera

Wista field 5x4 camera.


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