Oxford: Moonlit meadow

Written by Nasir Hamid on January 3rd, 2021

On 29th December 2020 there was an unusually bright moon so I ventured out to do some moonlighting. The moon was possibly a day away from being full and the sky was completely clear. Here’s a shot of a flooded meadow I had been photographing at the end of December (more of those pictures to come). The exposure time for this was 2 minutes. I bracketed exposures and made a 3 minute exposure which has a brighter sky but the reflection in the water is not as clear.

[Tech info]: Mamiya Universal, 50/6.3 lens, Fuji Across 100, 6×9 back, developed in Ilford Ilfosol 3, 1+9 for 6m 30s in a Jobo.



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