Oxford: Summer 8’s 2011 (part V)

Written by Nasir Hamid on August 11th, 2011

Here are some images from the colour films that I shot during Summer VIII’s 2011. The delay in posting these was because of the expense of posting one or two rolls away for developing. It’s much more economical to send off a batch of film but as I mostly use b&w film it’s taken me a while to use up enough rolls of colour for a batch.

In the coming weeks I intend to start developing my own colour film so look forward to seeing some of my results. I have the chemicals ready, I just need some spare time. More colour images from Summer VIII’s coming soon.

[Tech info:] Camera: Pentax 67, film: Kodak Ektar 100.

Cheer leaders practicing

Cheer leader practice. Between two of the college boathouses I noticed this group of cheer leaders practicing. It looked quite bizarre with all of the rowing going on behind me.

Alice in Wonderland cast

Curiouser and curiouser

watching the rowing


Photographer using a Nikon F90X camera

Another film photographer. I had an enjoyable chat about film photography with this photographer. The camera was in mint condition and had belonged to his mother. I still own and use the previous model that I bought in 1992.

Cup cake stall

Cup cakes for sale.


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