These images are from the second half of a roll I shot during my lunch hour photo walks a few weeks ago. The first half of the roll is here. I’ve got a bit of a backlog of images to scan and post but I’ll have more time in the coming weeks to catch up so if you haven’t seen your portrait yet don’t worry, it’s more than likely coming soon.
[Tech info:] Mamiya C330f and 105mm lens loaded with Fuji Acros 100 film, Processed in Rodinal 1:25.

Lock and load. There's not much some WD40 can't fix.

Coffee break on the Walton Street construction project.

This guy was a bit camera shy. I like his flat cap and rolled up jeans.

David, a fellow film photographer carrying a camera that I don't own. A real beast of a medium format.

Olympic photographer from Uruguay. He didn't speak any english but somehow I managed to communicate with him. I'm sure he was intrigued by my camera.

Scaffolding on the Walton Street construction project at the corner of Little Clarendon Street.