In this instalment of behind the scenes Endeavour photography you get a look at scenes that were filmed outside and inside the Oxford Union debating chamber. These shots are all from the same roll and the last frame was at the unit base on the last day of filming a couple of weeks later. I’ve photographed quite a lot of events at the Oxford Union so I’m familiar with the interior of the debating chamber and I really enjoyed seeing it completely transformed with lighting and haze lingering in the air. The scene outside where the flour bomb was thrown took a lot of planning and rehearsing. The shots below were with a stunt woman. One of my favourite b&w films to use is Ilford HP5 but to mix things up a bit I decided to use Kodak Tri-X for these shots.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex 2.8F Zeiss Planar, Kodak Tri-X film @ ISO 800, developed in Kodak HC-110 1+31.