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Wednesday, August 14th, 2013
These shots are from January this year that I’ve only just managed to get around to posting. I found out yesterday that Richard is being moved from the Oxford store to the Leamington branch in a couple of days so these shots are a little bit of history. This grid is an entire roll of film that I shot during my lunch break with Richard and Jason. Some of the shots were to experiment with freelensing, others are with a lens attached to the camera.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66. I don’t have any other info to hand at the moment but I assume the film was Kodak Tri-X.

Posted in film, Oxford, People, Photo shoot, Portrait | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, film, oxford, people, portraits, SL66
Saturday, June 29th, 2013
These images are from a photo shoot I had a few weeks ago with Leonore and Cosima. I’ve photographed Leonore a few times for Industry magazine and the Oxford Tab but I’ve wanted to photograph her on film for quite a while. I had originally arranged the shoot with just Cosima but fortunately Leonore was able to come along too and as they’re friends everything worked out. I really enjoyed this photo shoot but as I’m not used to working with two people at once it was a little challenging – in a good way. I’ve recently been trying out a new film developer and I decided to put this roll through as a test. So far I really like the results I’m getting. More shots from this shoot will follow at a later time.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66 with 80/2.8 lens, loaded with Kodak Tri-X 400 film (rated at ISO800), processed in Kodak XTOL 1:1 for 8mins.

Posted in film, People, Photo shoot, Portrait, students | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, film, oxford, people, portraits, rolleiflex, SL66, students, Tri-X, xtol
Sunday, June 16th, 2013
These images are all from my first photo shoot with Tamsin which went extremely well and was very enjoyable. I’ve wanted to shoot with Tamsin for a while but timings and weather never seemed to work out so I was pleased that we were able to arrange this shoot before the end of the academic year and the summer break. For this shoot I took along three different cameras, these shots are from two of them (medium format Rolleiflex 6×6 and 35mm Nikon), the other was a Mamiya Universal that I used to shoot some Fuji instant pack film, those shots can be found here.
This shoot went so well that I managed to finish a few different rolls of film – I don’t usually have enough time to finish more than one or two. The others haven’t been developed yet so those shots will follow at a later time.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80mm/2.8 Zeiss lens, loaded with Kodak Tri-X 400, processed in Kodak HC110 1+31 for 7:30. And a Nikon FM2, 50mm/1.4D lens, loaded with Kodak TMAX 400, processed in Kodak HC110 1+31 for 5:30.

Posted in film, Oxford, People, Photo shoot, Portrait, students | 3 Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, film, fm2, hc110, oxford, portraits, SL66, students, summer, tmax, Tri-X
Sunday, April 28th, 2013
The warm summery weather we had last weekend was a little short lived and didn’t last very long so I didn’t manage to visit the skatepark on Meadow Lane this weekend. Here are a set of portraits I made last Saturday on medium format film. These guys are the early birds who were there right around when the park opened in the morning, more than likely making the most of it before the hoards arrived.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 150mm lens, loaded with Kodak Tri-X, processed in HC110 (1+31).

Posted in film, Oxford, People, Portrait, Sport | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, bmx, film, hc110, owp, oxford, people, portraits, SL66, Tri-X
Sunday, December 16th, 2012
A friend of mine visited Oxford for a few days so we met up for a photo walk around town. Gerard asked if he could borrow one of my medium format film cameras to use on the walk so I decided to let him try out a Mamiya C330f twin lens reflex (TLR). Needless to say we attracted some attention and we even overheard someone referring to the TLR as a 3D camera!
I shot a roll of film through my SL66 and below is every single frame from the roll, all 12 of them. A few of the portraits of Gerard were made with an old 127mm Graflex lens from my Speed Graphic 5×4 camera with me free-lensing.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80mm Zeiss lens, Kodak Tri-X film processed in Kodak HC110 (B).

Posted in film, Oxford, Street portraits | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, c330, film, gerard, hc110, oxford, SL66, Tri-X
Monday, October 29th, 2012
These shots are my first attempts at experimenting with freelensing which is when you hold a lens in front of a camera without it being physically attached to the camera. The beauty of this is being able to freely move the lens around and create tilt/shift effects that you’d never be able to achieve if the lens was attached to the camera body. The images here were created 100% in camera on film, I haven’t applied any fake filters. Have you ever wondered where ideas for the looks you get in apps such as Instagram come from? These were the last three frames on the roll I happened to have in my camera at the time. Now that I’ve seen how good these shots have turned out I’m keen to try this technique on some portraits. Any volunteers?
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66 with an old Carl Zeiss lens that I transplanted from a 6×9 folding camera, Fuji Pro 400H film home processed by me.

Radcliffle Camera railings

Radcliffe Camera entrance

Side of Bodleian Library
Posted in Equipment, film, Oxford | 5 Responses »
Tags: 6x6, film, freelensing, oxford, SL66
Sunday, October 21st, 2012
Some photography from earlier in the summer, made during my lunch hour photo walk around Oxford city centre. I planned to post these soon after processing them but they got a bit lost in the shuffle of my mountain of films to scan so I apologise for the delay. We had a bit of a wet summer as I recall and one of my favourite places to go when it’s raining is the University museum of natural history on Parks Road (the bottom four images). Not only does the building have an incredible interior but it’s packed with amazing things too. Well worth a visit.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80mm Zeiss planar lens with Fuji Acros 100 film, processed in Rodinal 1:50.

Posted in film, Oxford, Street portraits | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, acros, black&white, film, oxford, people, rodinal, SL66
Sunday, October 14th, 2012
More images that I made during St Giles’ Fair at the beginning of September. This is the contents of an entire roll of medium format film, 12 frames, none deleted. [Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80/f2.8 lens, loaded with Fuji Acros 100 film, processed in Rodinal 1:50.

Posted in film, Oxford, People, Street portraits | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, acros, black&white, fair, film, oxford, people, portraits, rodinal, SL66, st giles
Wednesday, October 10th, 2012
Some photography from a day trip to London last weekend. The weather was amazingly warm (for October) and the light was perfect for photography. First stop, Portobello market where there was no shortage of amazing stalls and photogenic people to photograph. It was a bit too busy to stop many people which was a shame but instead it was nice just to chat with some of the market stall owners especially the ones selling film cameras. If you find the stall selling old letterpress type (I think it’s called The Old Print Shop), be sure to check out the camera seller in the building opposite them. From the outside it’s not obvious what an amazing collection of cameras are inside and the greek gentleman is a joy to talk to (last pic).
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80/f2.8 lens loaded with expired Kodak Ektachrome 100G. Home processed in a Tetanol E6 kit.

Posted in film, London, People, Travel | No Responses »
Tags: 100G, 6x6, e6, ektachrome, letterpress, london, portobello, portraits, rolleiflex, SL66, type
Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
This is a short post of some frames from a a lunch hour session a few weeks ago. I’ve already posted the other frames from this roll but I forgot to post these.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80mm Zeiss lens, with Fuji Acros 100 film processed in Kodak HC110 (dilution b).

Top: David working on his bike, middle: builders working on the Walton street site, bottom: waiting for the bus, Magdalen Street.

Top: Martin, middle and bottom: Korky Paul and Valerie Thomas book signing. They're the duo behind the Winnie the Witch series of books.
Posted in film, Oxford, People, Portrait, Street portraits | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, film, hc110, people, SL66, summer
Sunday, July 29th, 2012
The long awaited summer weather has finally arrived here in Oxford and after months of rain we’ve been enjoying scorching hot sun. When the sun comes out people are generally in a good mood and that makes for better conditions to make street portraits. I’ve got quite a backlog of films to process and scan but I’m working through them slowly. Here are some images made on a brand of colour film that I haven’t tried before but I keep hearing and seeing great things about it so I decided to give it a go. So far I love the results. These images are all consecutive frames on the same roll of film. I like how they’re sequenced. As you can see the tv show Lewis is currently being filmed in Oxford and Kevin Whately was nice enough to stop for a quick street portrait in Turl Street.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, 80/f2.8 lens, loaded with Fuji Pro 400H film, processed and scanned by me.

Top frame: focus puller with the Lewis crew

Top frame: Party shop in Market Street, middle: Kevin Whately, bottom: sound crew working on Lewis.

Top: Michael, middle: Jamie, bottom: conservators working on restoring St Mary's Church.
Posted in film, Oxford, People, Portrait, Street portraits | 1 Response »
Tags: 400H, 6x6, film, fuji, oxford, people, portraits, SL66, summer
Wednesday, July 25th, 2012
Here’s a little something different, triptych’s. Each set of three frames are consecutive shots on the same roll of film. As I was scanning them I liked how they fitted together and it also shows you the order in which the images were made. While I was waiting to make the image of the walking tour on the steps of the Clarendon Building a man walked past me and I could see by the way his head turned as he walked past that the camera I was holding caught his attention. After he passed me he turned around and came back. We chatted briefly about the Rolleiflex camera that I was holding and he began to tell me about his parents and how they both met while working at the Rolleiflex factory in Germany many years ago. They couldn’t afford to buy the classic twin lens Rollei so instead they bought the cheapest one they could afford (which I think was 35mm). I wish I had made a portrait of the man.
[Tech info:] Rolleiflex SL66, Zeiss 80/2.8 lens, loaded with expired Kodak Tri-X film, processed in Kodak HC110 dilution b (1:32).

Top: a bench where I work, middle: Walton Street Post Office, bottom: Richard the tailor.

First two: Little Clarendon Street, third: Broad Street.

Top: Broad Street, middle: Divinity Schools quadrangle, bottom: Nya giving me two thumbs up on Broad Street.

Top: a rare grab shot for me, middle: a barber on Walton Street, bottom: Mick the security guard.
Posted in film, Oxford, People, Street portraits | No Responses »
Tags: 6x6, black&white, film, hc110, oxford, people, portraits, SL66, summer, Tri-X