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Monday, January 9th, 2017
Behind the scenes photography during the filming of the first episode of Endeavour series 4 which is titled ‘GAME’. This was the morning of the very first day of filming in Oxford for this episode. The episode was broadcast last night (8th January 2017) on ITV and as I write this blog post I realise that I made these pictures 7 months ago. It’s nice to look back through them and remember how the 8am start meant that the streets were quiet to begin with but within a couple of hours it was mayhem as fans and onlookers crowded the pavements. I remember being impressed at how the fairly small film crew managed to clear Turl Street for a long lens shot from the Trinity College gates on Broad Street. Unfortunately I had a mishap in the darkroom while I was rushing to develop my films and two rolls got ruined so I’m unable to share those shots.
[Tech info:] Konica Hexar AF, Fuji Reala (expired) film, developed by ASDA, Swindon, Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, asda, c41, endeavour, film, filming, fuji, oxford, pakon, people, reala, turl street
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014
Now that winter is here and the weather is getting colder and wetter I think it’s the perfect time to start posting my coverage of the trashing that happened here in Oxford during the summer when it was a lot warmer and sunnier. This was such a lot of fun to photograph but also quite difficult, not only because I had to avoid getting in the firing line of the various liquids that were flying around but also because I kept getting accused of being from the Daily Mail after they published an article about binge drinking and used pictures of Oxford students getting trashed to illustrate it – the two things couldn’t be further apart. It’s hardly surprising really because if the Daily Mail are good at one thing it’s publishing lies – just ask George Clooney.
[Tech info:] Nikon F100, Agfa Vista 200 (Poundland) film, processed and scanned by ASDA Swindon.

Posted in film, Oxford, students | No Responses »
Tags: agfa vista, asda, exams, f100, film, nikon, oxford, students, summer, trashing
Friday, June 13th, 2014
It’s the time of the year when some Oxford University students are sitting their final exam and immediately after they’ve exited the exam schools they celebrate with their friends in various different ways that can involve lots of colourful confetti, silly string, shaving foam and various liquid refreshments and sometimes food as well. The celebrations are known as trashing and looking through my archive I first photographed it in 1989 (last two pictures). Back then I don’t remember as many students doing it as they do now but no matter how crazy it looks I’ve always enjoyed photographing it because I haven’t come across any other occasion where you can see such a visual expression of pure joy and elation. Friends greeting friends to show their support and help celebrate freedom. Still images can’t really canvey the atmosphere because you really need to hear the laughing, cheering, screaming and shouting that goes along with all of the colour.
This is my first set of pictures from this years’ trashing and there will be lots more to come. Unfortunately I keep being accused of working for the Daily Mail because of a ridiculous article they put out recently about binge drinking that used pictures of Oxford University students celebrating the end of their exams. Tabloid junk at its best. It’s no wonder the Daily Mail have removed the ability to leave a comment under the article. My passion is photography and documenting life, particularly in Oxford which is a place I am proud to call my home town. I don’t judge and I certainly don’t supply my pictures to the tabloid gutter press.
[Tech info:] Nikon FM2, 100/2.8 Series E lens, Kodak Hawkeye film. Processed by ASDA, Swindon.

Oxford, 1989
Posted in film, Oxford, People, students | No Responses »
Tags: asda, film, hawkeye, nikon, oxford, students, summer, trashing
Friday, June 6th, 2014
The 107th Oxford vs Cambridge Varsity 2014 Boxing match took place at the Town Hall in Oxford, here are some of my shots from the celebrations at the end when Oxford received the winners trophy. It was a great night and a total contrast to the town v gown match that I photographed previously. Well done guys!
[Tech info:] Nikon F100, 17-35/2.8, Ilford XP2 (expired). Developed at ASDA, Swindon.

Posted in film, Oxford, Sport, students | No Responses »
Tags: asda, black&white, boxing, film, oxford, people, sport, students, varsity
Wednesday, May 14th, 2014
Some shots from my Zenit which was loaded with film from Poundland. I wanted to see how the film handled very contrasty light, I also wanted to see how bad the light leak could get when using the camera in full sun. While this film certainly isn’t on par with Kodak Portra it can certainly deliver some nice results. Jason and Hugo were accommodating as ever.
[Tech info:] Zenit TTL, 58/2 Helios, loaded with Agfa Vista 200 (Poundland). Developed and scanned at ASDA, Swindon.

Posted in Fashion, Oxford, People, Portrait | No Responses »
Tags: agfa vista, asda, church, clements, film, oxford, people, poundland, tailors, zenit
Tuesday, May 13th, 2014
Some more of my shots from the filming of Testament of Youth in Oxford last month. I still have lots more to post but I’m trying to mix them up a bit with other shots for variety. This shots are from the last set up of the day in front of the Sheldonian Theatre where the camera was mounted on an impressive articulated arm.
[Tech info:] Nikon FM2, 85/1.8, loaded with Fuji Press 400 film. Developed & scanned at ASDA, Swindon.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: asda, film, filming, fm2, fuji, nikon, oxford
Tuesday, May 13th, 2014
Some shots from the Teddy Hall Ball that I photographed recently, the first ball of the summer for me. I’ve got some exciting ones coming up this year which I’m very much looking forward to.
[Tech info:] Nikon FM2, 50/1.4, Fuji Press 400 film. Developed and scanned at ASDA, Swindon.

Posted in film, Oxford, students | No Responses »
Tags: asda, ball, film, fm2, fuji, oxford, students, summer, teddy hall
Monday, May 12th, 2014
Some more shots from a scene of Lewis that was being filmed on Broad Street, Oxford recently. It was a cold and windy day which is why the two main actor’s are dressed in warm coats during the rehearsal.
[Tech info:] Konica C35, Agfa Vista 200 film from Poundland, developed and scanned at ASDA, Swindon (thanks Simon).

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, agfa vista, asda, filming, lewis, oxford
Tuesday, April 29th, 2014
Some behind the scenes shots while series 8 of Lewis was being filmed on Broad Street, Oxford last month. It wasn’t easy for the crew to film on a main street during lunch time and they certainly drew a crowd of curious onlookers. I particularly liked how they had transformed the empty Blackwell’s music shop on the corner of Turl Street into a coffee shop called Fix. The shot in the bottom left is of the props guy’s moving in some of the furniture.
[Tech info:] Zenit TTL, 58/2 Helios lens, loaded with Agfa Vista 200 (Poundland) film, processed and scanned by ASDA in Swindon. (Thanks Simon).

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, Street portraits | 2 Responses »
Tags: agfa vista, asda, c41, film, filming, lewis, oxford, people, tv, zenit
Sunday, February 23rd, 2014
These shots are from November 2013 when there was some filming going on for Endeavour series 2 episode 3. Hopefully it won’t be too long until the second series is broadcast, I’ve got a feeling it’s likely to be around April but I have no concrete information to go on. The scenes I saw being filmed were in King Edward Street and Catte Street, both day and very atmospheric night scenes with plenty of fog. During the filming of the scene with the red bus in Catte Street it was a pleasant surprise to see Colin Dexter arrive for his cameo appearance. He’s sitting next to the window on the lower deck. I’ve really enjoyed it when the Endeavour crew have rolled into town and not only am I excited to see series 2 when it’s broadcast but I look forward to hopefully seeing series 3 being filmed.
[Tech info:] Nikon FM2, 50/1.4D, loaded with Kodak Hawkeye film, dev and scan at ASDA, Swindon. My thanks to Simon for superb service.

Posted in film, Oxford, People, Street portraits | No Responses »
Tags: asda, endeavour, film, filming, fm2, hawkeye, oxford, people, portraits
Wednesday, February 19th, 2014
This set of shots is from the beginning of the Town vs Gown boxing competition where you can see the boxers weighing in and looking a lot more relaxed than they did later on. With these shots I wanted to try out using on camera flash and with some of the shots I was going for that harsh old skool newspaper photography look, similar to the photographer Weegee. The light levels were very low but I like how these turned out.
[Tech info:] Nikon F100, 50/1.4D, loaded with Ilford XP2 (expired), rated at ISO 400, dev & scan at ASDA, Swindon.

Posted in film, Oxford, Sport | No Responses »
Tags: asda, black&white, boxing, f100, film, nikon, oxford, portraits, sport, students, xp2
Monday, January 6th, 2014
Here are some behind the scenes shots of an episode of Endeavour that was being filmed on the streets of Oxford last November. From what I saw this is going to be an excellent episode. There were mods and rockers, fake fog, cool cars and tons of atmosphere. I’m not going to give any details away of what I saw being filmed but I will say that the scene with the bus driving through the fog was a real joy to see, it felt like being inside a movie. I really like how the colours have turned out in these shots especially as I was using daylight balanced film in conditions that were mostly lit by yellow street lights. Most of the exposures were made at 1/15th or less and I just guessed a lot of the exposures because of the huge contrast between the shadows and the street lights, it’s amazing how well colour negative film handles it all with ease.
[Tech info:] Nikon FM2, 50/1.4D lens loaded with Fuji 400 Press film (expired). Processed and scanned at ASDA in Swindon.

Posted in film, Oxford, People, Street portraits | 2 Responses »
Tags: asda, c41, endeavour, film, filming, fm2, fuji, oxford, people, tv