CID browsing by tag
Sunday, June 7th, 2020
Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film | No Responses »
Tags: 2019, 50mm, 6x7, CID, endeavour, film, filmdev, filming, interior, kodak, mamiya, noritsu, portra 400, rb67
Saturday, November 11th, 2017
Behind the scenes photography during filming of Endeavour series 5, episode 4. This was the final day of filming on this episode and the whole day was spent filming interiors of Cowley CID. It was fascinating to see how a space could be transformed in terms of mood and tone by subtle changes in the lighting and how it interacted with the actors. The main cast were in most of the scenes and I had a wonderful time spending the whole day documenting the cast and crew at work. Filming on series 5 wrapped yesterday (10-Nov-2017) as I put this blog post together so I won’t be seeing Team Endeavour until next year but between now and then there are many more photographic memories still to come.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, Voigtlander 35/1.2 Nokton, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 1600, developed in Kodak Xtol stock. Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, People | 2 Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, CID, endeavour, film, filming, HP5, iso1600, leica, m6, pakon, people, voigtlander, xtol
Saturday, October 28th, 2017
A day of filming inside the police station interior set for series 5 of Endeavour. I was fortunate enough to spend a day with the cast and crew and this is a little peek behind the scenes. On this occasion I took a lens with me that doesn’t usually get a lot of use – 35/1.2 Voigtlander Nokton. This is neither a small nor a light lens but it comes into its own in low light situations, even wide open.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, 35/1.2 Voigtlander Nokton, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 1600, developed in Kodak Xtol stock, Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, CID, endeavour, film, filming, HP5, leica, m6, pakon, people, voigtlander, xtol
Monday, August 14th, 2017
On my first visit to Endeavour HQ the crew weren’t using the interior CID set on the day I was there so it wasn’t lit. I was fortunate enough to visit a second time when there was a day of filming taking place in the CID set on a different episode so I have pictures from that which I am working my way through. Here are some shots from my first roll of the day. On this occasion I decided to use a lens that hasn’t had much use for quite a while (35/1.2 Voigtlander Nokton), mainly because it’s designed for very low light levels and also because it’s quite big and heavy and not the kind of lens you want to be carrying around all day when there is plenty of light. The other reason is because I have taken quite a shining to the 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton which is tiny in comparison.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, 35/1.2 Voigtlander Nokton, Ilford HP5 @ ISO 1600, developed in Kodak Xtol stock, Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, People | 1 Response »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, CID, endeavour, film, filming, HP5, iso1600, leica, m6, pakon, people, voigtlander, xtol