polaroid 190

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Oxford: instant pack film

Monday, May 27th, 2019

It’s been a while since I used any Fuji instant pack film so I decided to test out a recently acquired Polaroid 190 Land Camera with some Fuji FP-100C. I visited University Parks in my lunch break to photograph a tree that had fallen into the river and also came across the tree surgeons having a break after trimming the tree.

After work I met up with fellow photographer (and co-host of the Sunny 16 podcast) Graeme for a photo walk with his recently purchased Intrepid 5×4 large format camera. We had perfect summer evening weather and light and I finished off a roll of colour film that was in my Sputnik stereo camera (pictures from that coming soon).

[Tech info:] Polaroid 190 Land Camera, Fuji FP-100C (expired).

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Oxford: Skateboard pro’s at the OWP skatepark

Sunday, July 12th, 2015

The Globe EU Trippin skateboard tour made a stop at the Oxford Wheels Project skatepark last week and I went along to do some photography. I had no idea who the professional skateboarders were and I didn’t expect there to be so many people but it was a fantastic atmosphere and great to see such a capacity crowd. Photography was difficult because of the amount of people and very little space to manoeuvre but I did manage these two shots on my Polaroid 190 Land Camera (from the 1960’s).

[Tech info:] Polaroid 190 Land Camera, Fuji FP-100C instant pack film (bleached neg).


Oxford: Kimono Fujiroids

Saturday, February 7th, 2015

Last weekend I photographed lots of beautiful vintage kimono’s for ITO to use in their online store. Each kimono is a one of a kind and it was hard to believe from the amazing condition that most of them are from the 1920’s. For the final images I used a digital camera but as is usually my way I took along some film as well. The shoot went really smoothly but we had a lot of kimono’s to photograph so there wasn’t much time to do a lot of film photography but I did manage to make these two shots with a Polaroid camera. The shot on the left was made with just the window light, the shot on the right was a mix of window light and a Nikon speedlight through a white umbrella which I balanced to look natural. Many thanks to Catriona for organising everything and for keeping the shoot running smoothly.

[Tech info:] Polaroid 190 Land Camera, Fuji FP-100C instant pack film (bleached neg).



Oxford: Lunchtime session – Tori

Monday, January 19th, 2015

Today was a glorious sunny winters day here in Oxford and I made good use of it by doing some photography with Tori during my lunch break. I had three different film cameras with me today and here are two shots from the Polaroid Land Camera I took (the b&w shots are drying in the darkroom overnight so they’ll follow at a later time). There’s something really nice about winter sunshine and how it can make colours pop, it can also be very harsh and contrasty so it’s a nice challenge to look at how the light is falling on your subject and how the smallest of movements can mean the difference between nice and not so nice. Tori was incredibly easy to photograph and I hope we can do some more photography with different cameras and film. There is zero retouching on these two images, no Photoshop fakery, no filters, no plugins, just straight scans from the film.

These two shots were made on Fuji FP100-C instant pack film that expired 9 years ago. When you store it carefully and pay attention to how you expose it it’s capable of creating some fantastic results. I tend to underexpose it by a stop which results in a darker print but a nice negative that can be recovered with bleaching the black carbon layer off. The negatives are much sharper than the prints and you also get 2 stops of more detail in the shadows compared to the print.

[Tech info:] Polaroid Land Camera 190, Fuji FP100-C (expired), recovered neg.