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Tuesday, October 1st, 2019
Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, d96, double x, endeavour, film, filming, leica, m6, oxford, pakon, people, s7e2, voigtlander
Tuesday, August 27th, 2019
Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, Oxford, People | 2 Responses »
Tags: 35mm, c41, endeavour, film, filming, leica, m6, noritsu, oxford, oxford union, people, portra 400, summer, voigtlander
Tuesday, August 20th, 2019
Filming has begun on Endeavour series 7 and I was fortunate enough to document the cast and crew at work in Oxford recently. Lots of familiar faces and some new ones too.
For this roll I rated it at ISO1600 because of the low light level indoors but when I went outdoors I knew the highlights were going to blow out so I reduced development time by 10% to reduce the contrast a little. This is something I have started to do more recently and so far I like the results.
As usual on this blog, all images will be spoiler-free until after each FILM has been broadcast.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Ilford HP5 pushed to ISO1600, developed in XTOL stock. Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, Oxford, People | 2 Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, endeavour, film, filming, HP5, iso1600, leica, m6, oxford, oxford union, pakon, people, voigtlander, xtol
Thursday, August 1st, 2019
Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, Oxford, People | 2 Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, delta 400, endeavour, film, filming, leica, m6, oxford, pakon, people, s6e4, voigtlander
Friday, July 19th, 2019
Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, endeavour, film, filming, HP5, iso1600, leica, m6, pakon, people, s6e4, voigtlander, xtol
Wednesday, June 12th, 2019
Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film | No Responses »
Tags: 2018, 35mm, ddx, delta 400, endeavour, film, filming, ilford, iso 1600, leica, m6, pakon, s6e4, voigtlander
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019
Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, Oxford, People | 1 Response »
Tags: 35mm, endeavour, film, filming, HP5, ilford, iso1600, leica, pakon, s6e4, voigtlander, xtol
Friday, February 1st, 2019
The annual Oxford Town vs Gown boxing event was held at the Oxford Union at the end of January and I went along to document it with my camera. The lighting was far from ideal with lots of hot spots and dark shadows from the spot lights in the corners of the ring so I used the situation to experiment a little. The majority of these shots were made with a slow shutter speed to record some blur as the boxers moved around at great speed. More to come.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Eastman Double X, ISO 250, developed in D76 1+1. Pakon scans.

Posted in film, Oxford, Sport, students | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, boxing, d76, double x, film, leica, m6, oxford, oxford union, pakon, students, voigtlander
Thursday, January 17th, 2019
Kurupt FM (AKA the guys from the BAFTA award winning comedy series ‘People just do nothing’) came to the Oxford Union for a Q&A event and I went along to photograph them. If you’ve never seen the show I highly recommend it – you can find it on BBC iPlayer.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Ilford Delta 400 developed in Ilford DDX 1+4. Pakon scans.

Posted in film, Oxford, People | 2 Responses »
Tags: black&white, ddx, delta 400, film, ilford, iso1600, leica, m6, oxford, oxford union, pakon, people, voigtlander
Monday, December 17th, 2018
Behind the scenes photography from the final day of filming on Endeavour series 5. The entire day was spent inside the Cowley CID interior set and these shots are from the end of the day.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Ilford HP5 pushed to ISO 1600, developed in Kodak XTOL. Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, Oxford, People | 2 Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, endeavour, film, filming, HP5, leica, m6, pakon, voigtlander, xtol
Friday, December 7th, 2018
Here are some pictures made during filming of Endeavour series 6, episode 4 in Oxford. As the series hasn’t been broadcast in the UK yet I’ve picked a selection of spoiler free pictures. More will follow after broadcast.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Eastman Double X film developed in D76 1+1 dilution.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, double x, endeavour, film, filming, leica, m6, oxford, pakon, people, voigtlander
Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
Behind the scenes during filming of Endeavour 6 | FILM 4 in Oxford, October 2018. Day 1 of filming ended on Holywell Street in rapidly falling light thanks to the clocks changing back an hour the previous day. This is something I had anticipated and loaded a roll of Kodak Portra 400 accordingly. Day 2 started on New College Lane in very contrasty sunlight.
[Tech info:] Leica M6, 40/1.4 Voigtlander Nokton, Kodak Portra 400, Noritsu scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Endeavour, film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, c41, endeavour, film, filming, kodak, leica, m6, oxford, people, portra 400, s6e4, voigtlander