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Tuesday, July 30th, 2019
This set of pictures is part of an ongoing project to document the historic suburb of Jericho in Oxford which I have been doing on and off since 2013 mainly during my lunch break. It’s possible I have pictures from before 2013 but that’s the oldest date in my archive that I have tagged ‘Jericho’. Whenever I have a camera or film to test I often walk around Jericho and see what catches my eye, often photographing the same things in different light at different times of the year. The streets are usually very quiet which is why I don’t have many pictures of people. Quiet pictures of a quiet place.
A whole range of film formats is represented here from 35mm up to 5×4 large format. Hopefully soon I will be doing some 10×8 photography around Jericho but that won’t be during my lunch break!
These pictures were made with the following cameras: Bronica ETRSi, Rolleiflex 3.5 Automat, Bronica SQA, Pentax 645, Leica M6, Yashica Electro 35, Graflex Crown Graphic, Pentax P30N; and the following films: Ilford FP4, Kodak Plus-X, Eastman Double X, Fuji Acros 100, Kodak Tri-X.

Posted in Architecture, Oxford, People | 4 Responses »
Tags: 645, bronica, crown graphic, electro 35, etrsi, film, graflex, jericho, leica, m6, pentax, sqa, yashica
Saturday, May 12th, 2018
This set of pictures are from a recent lunch break photo walk where I managed to finish a whole roll during the hour. I’ve been using quite a bit of Eastman Double X motion picture film recently because I bought a bottle of D96 developer and I didn’t want it to go off without much use. So far I have been very pleased with the results especially in controlling contrast.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Eastman Double X film, developed in D96, Pakon scans.

Posted in film, Oxford, Street portraits | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, d96, double x, electro 35, film, lunch break, oxford, pakon, people, summer, yashica
Monday, January 8th, 2018
Here are some pictures I made during one of my lunch break photo walks. I’m not sure exactly when these are from but I think it was February 2017 – the exposed roll of film has been in my fridge ever since and only now have I had it developed, some 10 months later. I quite like sunny days during the winter for photography because the shadows around lunch time are fairly long and much more interesting that during the summer at the same time of day. The light is also warmer in colour too. These shots would have needed a warming filter during the summer months.
[Tech info:] Electro 35, Kodak Colorplus 200 (expired), developed by Ag photo lab, Pakon scans.

Posted in film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, colorplus, electro 35, film, oxford, pakon, yashica
Monday, May 15th, 2017
Here are some pictures from a recent lunch break photo walk. My Yashica Electro is one of my go to cameras and as I already had the shots from the filming of The Favourite (see previous blog post) on this roll I was keen to finish it to see how they turned out.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Eastman Double X film, developed in HC110 1+31. Pakon scans.
Posted in Oxford | 1 Response »
Tags: 35mm, b&w, double x, electro 35, film, hc110, oxford, pakon, yashica
Sunday, May 14th, 2017
During my lunch break photo walk I came across a movie being filmed in part of the Bodleian, it’s titled The Favourite and it turned out that the crew were on their lunch break too. Here are pictures of some of the supporting artists having a smoke break. I really liked the Sheldonian Theatre as a backdrop for these shots and despite the heavy overcast sky I think the light worked out ok.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Eastman Double X film, developed in HC110 1+31. Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People | 1 Response »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, double x, electro, film, filming, hc110, oxford, pakon, people, yashica
Saturday, January 21st, 2017
Behind the scenes photography during filming of Endeavour series 4 episode: Canticle in New College, Oxford on a blazing hot day last July. Fortunately I was in the shade most of the time but I really felt for the dancers in their rain mac’s and welly boots. I’ve tried to show some different angles of the set that weren’t seen in the final edit because a huge amount of work had gone into it. The colours in these pictures are very different to the previous post because I used a different film, in this case Fuji Reala 100 which is one of my favourites for sunny weather photography but sadly it’s not made any more.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Fuji Reala 100 film, developed in Fuji Xpress C41 kit, Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, electro 35, endeavour, film, filming, fuji, new college, pakon, reala, summer, yashica
Thursday, December 29th, 2016
Hollywood came to Oxford in the form of Michael Bay and his Transformers 5 film crew to film some scenes for The Last Knight (or was it E75). Security was quite heavy handed but I did my best to document some of the goings on in-between the rain showers. There was a good variety of camera vehicles and they used a drone for some aerial footage of the black Citreon car driving along New College Lane. I’ve got a feeling the scenes filmed in Oxford will probably be set in London in the final edit of the movie.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Ilford FP4+ @ ISO 200, developed in Kodak D76 1+1 15mins. Pakon scans.

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, black&white, d76, electro 35, film, filming, fp4, oxford, pakon, transformers, yashica
Saturday, October 29th, 2016
Michael Bay came to Oxford with his crew at the end of September to film some scenes for Transformers 5: The Last Knight and despite the tight security I managed to do a little behind-the-scenes photography.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Kodak TMAX 100 @ 200, developed in Ilford DD-X 1+4, Pakon scans

Posted in Behind the scenes, film, Oxford, People | No Responses »
Tags: 35mm, b&w, ddx, electro, filming, ilford, imax, oxford, pakon, tmax100, transformers, yashica
Thursday, February 25th, 2016
One of my favourite rangefinder cameras to use is the Yashica Electro and it’s the camera I most often have with me to take on my lunch break photo walks when I haven’t chosen something else to use. It’s light, quiet, simple to use and the lens gives excellent results. It also looks beautiful too. It’s an aperture priority only camera so there’s no need for an external light meter. Just choose an aperture, focus and click. Simple. Here are some shots from December 2015 and January/February 2016.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Eastman Double X motion picture film, developed in Kodak D76 1+1. Pakon scans.

Posted in film, Oxford | No Responses »
Tags: black&white, d76, double x, electro 35, film, oxford, pakon, westgate, yashica
Wednesday, January 7th, 2015
My very first visit to Cambridge was in August last year. Up until then I’d always been put off going there because I’m not a huge fan of driving and there isn’t a fast/easy route there from Oxford but when a fellow film photographer friend of mine offered to drive, I was happy to tag along for the trip. My first impression was that Cambridge had better shopping compared to Oxford but from a visual point of view I think Oxford easily wins without a doubt. It seems like the only way to see much of the colleges is by travelling along the river but if that’s not what you’re interested in doing you still have to put up with being hassled every minute by people selling boat trips and punts for hire. I’ve never seen anything like it. Apart from that I had a great time walking the streets of somewhere new, observing life and the comings and goings.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Fuji Superia 200, developed in a Rollei Digibase C41 kit. Pakon scans.

Posted in Cambridge, film, People, Travel | No Responses »
Tags: cambridge, electro 35, film, fuji, jobo, pakon, superia 200, yashica
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
One of the things I enjoy about photographing drama productions is being able to test out films that I wouldn’t usually be able to test out during my lunch hour because they need low light conditions. These shots are from a roll of expired Ilford Delta 400 which I rated at ISO 800 and pushed one stop in the processing. It looks a lot different to the Kodak Double-X that I shot in the same conditions but rated at half the speed. Once again my Yashica Electro 35 proved to be the right camera for the job and I’m becoming a bigger fan of it the more I use it.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, expired Ilford Delta 400 (ISO 800), pushed one stop in Kodak D76 1+1.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Drama, film, Oxford, students | No Responses »
Tags: backstage, black&white, d76, delta 400, electro 35, film, oxford, students, yashica
Monday, October 20th, 2014
This is the first set of pictures from my time backstage at The Oxford Playhouse while the cast of The Furies were getting ready. There isn’t a lot of space in the dressing rooms so I did my best to keep out of the way while still making pictures – notice my reflection in two of the shots. Before arriving I didn’t know what the light levels were going to be like inside but I wanted to test out some Eastman Kodak Double-X motion picture film (the same type that was used by Spielberg for Schindler’s List) so I took a gamble and rated this roll at ISO 400 which is a 1 stop push from box speed. Overall I’m very pleased with the results considering how much contrast there is in these shots – bright lights and black clothing is a torture test for any film. A quick shout out to Charles Graham, the director, for allowing me access and a big thank you to the cast for being so accommodating which always helps to make my job a little easier.
[Tech info:] Yashica Electro 35, Eastman Kodak Double-X film rated at ISO 400, processed in Kodak HC110 1+31 for 6:30.

Posted in Behind the scenes, Drama, film, Oxford, People, students | No Responses »
Tags: backstage, black&white, double x, drama, electro 35, film, hc110, oxford, students, yashica